Sunday, October 23, 2011


So, concluding the week with three or so meltdowns from school work, not understanding algebra, and tests, I have survived. Until next week, where I will have three tests to study for. Oh...and that annotating I have to do before tomorrow. Well, actually, I am having my dad pick me up early on Monday to avoid a bad grade on my annotations in the book I have to turn in. Annotating ruins the meaning of a book. Honestly, every book that I have to annotate, I dislike. I dislike disliking the book... That sentence might makes sense to me, only, because I am about to fall asleep with my eyes open. Well, I need to get back to homework, and stop venting my stressful school life on my blog, I will go more into detail later. If you want to hear it. Haha.

There will be a post on clothes soon. I have to reunite with fashion. And stop avoiding tumblr. AND, this blog. Okay, well I should be going now.

xoxo Chandler

P.S. Boy am I crazy when I'm tired! This post is horrible...

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