Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Tricky Minds.

Last night I was watching The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, and even though I don't like him too much anymore...he can still be funny...sometimes. Anyway, on his show, they had a man named Trevor Moore come in and for the show, Moore did fake stupid inventions, made a kiosk, and tested it out on random people that walked by. None of the "inventions" really worked, but Moore was trying to trick the people into thinking that the "inventions" did work. The whole point of showing it on Jay Leno was to prove that you can trick someone into thinking that something really works when it doesn't. They thought of it as a joke but it really had to do with psychology. If someone is told something works, than the person's mind will persuade the person into thinking something works when it doesn't. I happen to think this is very interesting and might try it on my friends someday soon.

My best friend told me a story of a girl who tried this on the girl's own group of friends. She told them that there was this type of energy drink that immediately gets you energized and more awake, and you can feel it right after you take a sip of the drink. But, it was not an energy drink, it was just some random beverage she got at the grocery store. All of the girl's friends believed her, and when they took a sip, they believed that they could really "feel themselves getting more energetic and awake." But, honestly, it was just their mind tricking them into thinking that they could feel the "energy" that they got from the drink. Afterwards, the girl told her friends that it was just a soda, and not an energy drink. The girl's friends were astonished.

I was thinking, and maybe this is why the "balance bracelet" really works. Maybe it is not the magnetism or whatever is in the bracelet that connects with your body to keep yourself balanced and strong, maybe when you have the bracelet on, your thinking that it will work, so you think that you have gotten stronger and more balanced when your mind is just believing that you are stronger.

This is a very interesting study that I would love to look further into. Just think about it when your bored. Think about the connections from your mind to your daily life. I find it really interesting.

Here is Trevor Moore on The Tonight Show:

xoxo Chandler

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