Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Music of the Week. Number 2 .

So, this week, I decided to pick a very interesting song. Not that the other songs are not interesting...surely, they are. But, this one means a lot to me. If you listen to the lyrics, and try to figure out what the song means, you may get stuck. The song can mean a lot of things. I think it has something to do about philosophy, but that is just my opinion. The ones who wrote the song are the ones with the correct answer. If the song writers even know what the song is about. Sometimes, people just write things down, and it makes so much sense, but then doesn't. But, this just makes the song even more amazing! It's like a quest for a missing diamond that you need to find.......Okay...Haha. Anyway, this is not English class, and we are not analyzing the song lyrics. But, it doesn't hurt to think about a song meaning.

So, what you have all been waiting for while speed reading through my ramblings before this sentence is the actual song! The song is "Blue Spotted Tail" by Fleet Foxes. It's hard to pick one favorite, so I have many, but this is one of my favorite bands, let alone songs at this time. This is one of my favorite songs heard by Fleet Foxes, so far, as well.

Whenever I listen to this song, I feel relaxed. It has such a soft, gentle tone to it. It makes my mind wander.

Here is the link to the song:

If you haven't heard of it, please do so. And if you have heard it, click the link anyway.

xoxo Chandler

P.S. This song does not have a music video that I know of, but this song was too good to pass up. : )

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