Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Hello, my name is Chandler. My middle name is Isabel, after my grandmother. And I am fourteen years of age.

I'm not just any young average teenager who goes out and parties. I'm not too normal like that. I'm more of the type of person who on a Saturday night is having fun with my small group of friends or sitting at home behind my computer screen researching fashion. I'm not really sure if thats normal or not to you, but in my life, or a "normal" teenage life, it's not normal. If that makes sense.
So, fellow bloggers, I would like to introduce myself properly, in my way...I guess I should start with somethings that I love.
I love fashion. I'm not a hipster, whatever that is, I'm just a person who has an obsession with fashion...and...well, lets throw this in here...CLOTHES! The fashion world, to me, is like a whole other planet! I can ramble on and on about this, but I am a youngin' and still have to do my homework. I also love psychology, philosophy, and mythology...I might just minor in it someday. Another thing I love is photography. Oh, I don't know how to explain my love for it! If you love it too, I guess you can possibly understand the love for a camera lens. Another thing I love out of many is writing. You now see the reason for this blog, so my emotions can get released through my mind onto your computer screen. I also love reading, but that's a whole other story. And, I definitely cannot forget music! Oh, where do I start? Music, it's art, as we all know, and it holds a special place in my heart. Everything about it, just pulls me in, kind of like me with fashion.
I wouldn't call myself a follower...unless your speaking the tumblr talk...and I can't call my self a leader...because I am Chandler. But, I can call my self a fashion-obsessed freak. And I'm proud of it.I would use another word, but I don't know if there is such a word for who I am, so just call me Chandler, instead.

I hope you like this blog. I am basically creating this to talk to the people in life that like the same things I like, such as fashion, music, and all the other things I'm diggin' (see that phrase just doesn't work for me!). And for the things that I can't really talk about to my fellow classmates...


Oh, and I want you to have the best day you can possibly have, and better.  : )

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