Saturday, October 29, 2011


So, I am really happy right now. Would you like to know the reasons?

1. I got my new babies. (Platform wedges.)
2. I got offered to work at Armani Exchange because they thought I was 18 years old. (oh. my. god.)
3. I just came back from my friend's birthday party.
4. I am going to homecoming with all of my best friends.
5. Halloween is Monday.!

Also, I wanted to show you an outfit I wore on Thursday. I kind of want to wear velvet everyday of the that possible?

                                             My new shoes! I am wearing them to homecoming.

Have an amazing day.! It's almost Halloween!

xoxo Chandler

Thursday, October 27, 2011

I Want To Go To France.

Around a couple months ago, my best friend and I made a promise that one day when we are older, we will visit France on vacation. When we visit France, we shall explore forests, shop for clothes at random thrift stores, and best of all, be the biggest tourists we can be! We will dress like tourists, and hang our cameras around our necks. And let people that live in France stare at us, as we walk through the cultured streets, thinking "Those girls are definite tourists." So, I feel like I should make a list of what we should do. But, I would rather make the list with her, than alone. So, I shall wait. I also will wear a lot of hats, and scarves and go to Primark. I am obsessed with the store, even though I have never been to it. And, I will go out to eat at night in fifties dresses and heels and dress like Daphne on Scooby-Doo (the cartoon). We will also take pictures next to old trees and visit the Eiffel Tower. Okay, so I may have just started a list, but I am just putting ideas out there.

Well I have to sleep, because I like sleep. And sleep is good. : )

xoxo Chandler

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Pumpkin Patch Kids.

So, yesterday, three of my friends and I went to a pumpkin patch! I've got to tell you, there wasn't that much pumpkin picking...more of a photoshoot! Haha. Anyway, after school we drove over to the Halloween inspired pumpkin patch.

Whenever I hear the words "pumpkin patch," two things come to mind.

1. The fall season.
2. Cabbage Patch Kids. (Just putting this out there, I think they're kind of creepy...)

I always tried to have an "obsession" over the 'head over kid-y heels' doll. Apparently, every little girl wanted one. So, I begged my parents to get me one. I'm pretty sure my mom showed me her old cabbage patch kid from when she was younger, I tried to love the doll, but, in the end I discovered that they annoyed the hell out of me. I then moved on to American Girl...but that's a whole other story.

Oh, and about my "Stress." post, please disregard (that word always makes me sound like a teacher...Doesn't it?) the post. I was so tired when I wrote it! I was thinking that I should delete it, but what the hay! Get it, I said 'hay' and this post is about pumpkin patches...or at least it is supposed to be.

Okay. Moving Along. (Boy, do I sound like a teacher today! Haha.)

Here are some pictures!

Don't mind me...just kissing a cow named Bessy.

photo credits to my friend's mom.
And this one is from a Halloween Party I went to over the weekend...

Oh! My mom gave me her old film camera. I am obsessed with it. And yes! Way more obsessed with the camera than with a cabbage patch kid.... Anyway, I had the pictures developed. I did not get the CD this time, but I am going back to get the CD as well, so I can post them on this blog. The pictures on this post were not taken by my film camera.

Now, go carve your pumpkins and get in the Halloween spirit!

xoxo Chandler

Sunday, October 23, 2011


So, concluding the week with three or so meltdowns from school work, not understanding algebra, and tests, I have survived. Until next week, where I will have three tests to study for. Oh...and that annotating I have to do before tomorrow. Well, actually, I am having my dad pick me up early on Monday to avoid a bad grade on my annotations in the book I have to turn in. Annotating ruins the meaning of a book. Honestly, every book that I have to annotate, I dislike. I dislike disliking the book... That sentence might makes sense to me, only, because I am about to fall asleep with my eyes open. Well, I need to get back to homework, and stop venting my stressful school life on my blog, I will go more into detail later. If you want to hear it. Haha.

There will be a post on clothes soon. I have to reunite with fashion. And stop avoiding tumblr. AND, this blog. Okay, well I should be going now.

xoxo Chandler

P.S. Boy am I crazy when I'm tired! This post is horrible...

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Music of the Week. Number 2 .

So, this week, I decided to pick a very interesting song. Not that the other songs are not interesting...surely, they are. But, this one means a lot to me. If you listen to the lyrics, and try to figure out what the song means, you may get stuck. The song can mean a lot of things. I think it has something to do about philosophy, but that is just my opinion. The ones who wrote the song are the ones with the correct answer. If the song writers even know what the song is about. Sometimes, people just write things down, and it makes so much sense, but then doesn't. But, this just makes the song even more amazing! It's like a quest for a missing diamond that you need to find.......Okay...Haha. Anyway, this is not English class, and we are not analyzing the song lyrics. But, it doesn't hurt to think about a song meaning.

So, what you have all been waiting for while speed reading through my ramblings before this sentence is the actual song! The song is "Blue Spotted Tail" by Fleet Foxes. It's hard to pick one favorite, so I have many, but this is one of my favorite bands, let alone songs at this time. This is one of my favorite songs heard by Fleet Foxes, so far, as well.

Whenever I listen to this song, I feel relaxed. It has such a soft, gentle tone to it. It makes my mind wander.

Here is the link to the song:

If you haven't heard of it, please do so. And if you have heard it, click the link anyway.

xoxo Chandler

P.S. This song does not have a music video that I know of, but this song was too good to pass up. : )

Monday, October 17, 2011

Football and Crocheting.

Last Friday, I felt like I wanted to put a preppy/school girl outfit on for school. I decided on a mustard yellow high-waisted skirt. I belted it with a brown thin belt. For the top, I put a mid-sleeve white lace shirt on, and tucked it in. And, for shoes, I wore Doc Martens.

In first period, which is my Beginners Clothing class (where you sew and learn about clothes), we had a background project day. This is where you can learn how to knit and crochet or sew whatever you want to sew. I decided to re-learn how to crochet. I learned a couple years ago, but I completely forgot! I asked my teacher to teach me how to crochet. She sort of showed me. But I still had no clue what to do. After the third time she showed me how to crochet, and I still didn't understand, I gave up. But then, the next period, I had an idea! Ha. I decided to take the crochet yarn and fuzz it to make clip-in hair extensions. When I got home, I fuzzed the yarn out and tied it to a couple clips. Then I placed it underneath the first layer of my hair to make it look like real hair dye (which I have been wanting in my hair) and voilĂ ! I had clip-in hair extensions.

Anyway, later that night, I was going to my high school's football game with my friend when I realized that the yarn I had in my hair was blue-ish and my school's colors are blue and white. So, before I left for the football game, I put on a blue shirt (with daisies on it of course. Ha.) and blue I was totally football game worthy! Oh! And my school's football team won to our "rival school", first time in twenty one years or so...

So, this my outfit that I wore during school time (not to the football game.) Woah. This is the first time I am posting a picture of myself on my blog...

my clip-in yarn hair extensions:

This was kind of a pointless post, but I thought I should tell you that if you can't figure out how to crochet, but have the yarn to do so, make clip-in extensions for your hair. Oh, and to finally show who I am on my blog. Before, I was just a mouthful of words typed on a computer, now I am a person with a mouthful of words to type on a computer.

xoxo Chandler

Saturday, October 15, 2011

American Apparel: The Apparel of Americans.

I haven't told you about my love for American Apparel, yet. Have I? Well, now you know, I have a deep love for this company. Their different take on basics is unbelievable. Take this: A black velvet shirt, cropped! Or, the sheer maxi skirts, who do you think recreated this trend from the past? The answer: American Apparel. Not only does American Apparel have amazing clothes, everything, and I mean everything, is made in the USA. America should be known for creating and not consuming. America should honestly take American Apparel into consideration more often. They create unimaginable articles of clothing, not consume unimaginable articles of clothing. Everything in their store is simple but not simple at the same time. They take 'simple' ideas and turn them into "OMG! I am head over heels for this!" kind of simple.

So, I want to take a moment of my day and celebrate American Apparel. If you would like to do the same, then scroll away!

Sorry these next pictures are kind of small! I didn't want to make them big, because then they would be extremely blurry.!

Also, American Apparel is all about chiffon. I love chiffon.

Oh, and that black velvet cropped top is already on my holiday wish list!

xoxo Chandler

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Music of the Week. Number 1.

I decided that I should do a music/music video of the week series on my blog. I have been craving over She & Him, otherwise known as Zooey Deschanel's band. SHE IS MY IDOL. I pondered for a while and then I decided on choosing "In the Sun" by She & Him. I'm in love with the music video, the clothes, and well...the song! I hope you like it as well, anyway it is...Zooey Deschanel. Who doesn't love her?
Another reason I chose a song from Zooey's band as this weeks 'music video of the week' is because I feel that I relate to her a lot. I love how much confidence she has. She doesn't care what people think of her or what people think about her style. I happen to love her style, and I am one-hundred percent inspired by it. She also comes off as a very 'true' person and it seems like she is a real human being. Not a plastic barbie doll, like some other actresses or singers.

I also love her new show, "New Girl." If you haven't watched it yet, please do so. It is literally one of the best shows I have ever witnessed. It, honestly, makes me laugh...out loud! (I don't believe in LOL. Sorry.)

Her band mate, Matt Ward, also deserves a lot of credit for the band, as he does not get mentioned too much. He is an excellent guitarist and the band wouldn't be the same without him either!

So, this was my 'Music of the Week.' And apparently a post about Zooey Deschanel as well...I guess.

xoxo Chandler

Tricky Minds.

Last night I was watching The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, and even though I don't like him too much anymore...he can still be funny...sometimes. Anyway, on his show, they had a man named Trevor Moore come in and for the show, Moore did fake stupid inventions, made a kiosk, and tested it out on random people that walked by. None of the "inventions" really worked, but Moore was trying to trick the people into thinking that the "inventions" did work. The whole point of showing it on Jay Leno was to prove that you can trick someone into thinking that something really works when it doesn't. They thought of it as a joke but it really had to do with psychology. If someone is told something works, than the person's mind will persuade the person into thinking something works when it doesn't. I happen to think this is very interesting and might try it on my friends someday soon.

My best friend told me a story of a girl who tried this on the girl's own group of friends. She told them that there was this type of energy drink that immediately gets you energized and more awake, and you can feel it right after you take a sip of the drink. But, it was not an energy drink, it was just some random beverage she got at the grocery store. All of the girl's friends believed her, and when they took a sip, they believed that they could really "feel themselves getting more energetic and awake." But, honestly, it was just their mind tricking them into thinking that they could feel the "energy" that they got from the drink. Afterwards, the girl told her friends that it was just a soda, and not an energy drink. The girl's friends were astonished.

I was thinking, and maybe this is why the "balance bracelet" really works. Maybe it is not the magnetism or whatever is in the bracelet that connects with your body to keep yourself balanced and strong, maybe when you have the bracelet on, your thinking that it will work, so you think that you have gotten stronger and more balanced when your mind is just believing that you are stronger.

This is a very interesting study that I would love to look further into. Just think about it when your bored. Think about the connections from your mind to your daily life. I find it really interesting.

Here is Trevor Moore on The Tonight Show:

xoxo Chandler

I want a flapper dress.

I love flapper dresses. And I want one...hence the title. 

I like the more girly, casual flapper dresses, but I love the stereotype "flapper girl" flapper dress as well.

Oh! This reminds me, I really need to go to raid a thrift store and buy everything! Haha. Can you see me love for vintage clothes?

If you love flapper dresses as much as I do then would you like to drool over some pictures of flapper dresses with me? If so then, sit back, butter the popcorn, and enjoy the show!

Surprisingly, I couldn't find many flapper dress pictures online, other than the fact of the flapper dress halloween costumes, but...lets not even go there...

Well, lets add 'flapper dress' to the list of things I need to eventually get. : )

xoxo, Chandler

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


I don't think I have ever been this excited for Halloween. And I am not five years old...

Well, I guess I am getting more excited for the idea of Halloween since I am getting older now, because I can go to more halloween "parties," (parties for me are considering of up to ten people in my small group of friends.) And this is one of my last years trick-or-treating, because I feel awkward when parents of seven year olds look at you oddly.

Anyway, this year I am going to be a mermaid to enhance my love for mermaids. And, no matter what I will always believe that mermaids exist. : )

So, instead of buying a $1,000,000 costume, I decided that I would put together the costume with what I had. I decided to take a pink/yellow/orange floral fitted crop top with a green flowy maxi skirt (that my best friend is lending me for the costume.) I still have to figure out the shoes, but for the makeup, I found a youtube video that showed you how to make "scales" with makeup. I am going to put wash-out colored dye throughout my hair.

Now I have to stop procrastinating on doing my French homework, and end this blog post. I will eventually have pictures on my blog of my halloween costume. But, that won't be until Halloween. : )

xoxo Chandler

Friday, October 7, 2011

Arrogant Hipsters.

So, I was thinking, and I thought I would do a post on society. Or...teenage society. I want to warn you that a new group of hipsters have just arrived in town. Since this past summer, some of the "bad kids" have transitioned into the hipster group. Now, I don't want to sound like a hypocrite, but I don't normally believe in titles. But, when it comes to hipsters, well, they want a title. I am just calling them the name they are longing for.
Anyway, a new group of the hipster pack has begun. I call them the "arrogant hipsters." The kind of hipsters that are bad kids (who want to be called "the crew," which they call themselves at my school) but dye their hair red or gray, or  wear the frameless glasses. Now, that just makes me laugh. Any kind of hipster over does it. They want people to look at them, making themselves feel like they are on top of the world.

 So, I just wanted to do a quick post to warn you of the arrogant hipsters. Hopefully they won't want the regular hipsters to transition into the arrogant hipster pack.

Now, please don't be frightened. They don't bite unless you mess with them. : )

xoxo, Chandler.

P.S. This is partly a joke, but these are my personal feelings, believe whatever you want to! It's a free country. : )

Sweater Vests.

Now that I have spent the last three hours solving math problems, I thought I deserved a couple minutes of relaxation. Other than the fact that I have a math midterm tomorrow and the four hundred pages I have to annotate in a book by October 24 (There will be a book review on it!), but anywho...I need a break. So, I think the best way to stay off topic from school is to talk about sweater vests, but this subject just leads me back Here's the story...

I walked into sixth period and sat down at my desk thinking about the french song we had just sang in French class last period. I look up at my teacher and see that he is wearing a sweater vest. Well, technically it was just a sweater with the argyle (diamond print) on it, but the sleeves did not have argyle on it so, I'm calling it a sweater vest. Anyway, I start hysterically laughing, hoping no one sees me, because my English teacher reminds me of Ben on the Secret Life of the American Teenager (one of my favorite shows) and that's exactly what Ben would wear. When a fellow classmate asked, "What are you laughing at?" I responded with, "Just an inside joke with my friend about sweater vests." As I pointed to the teacher. The classmate's answer was, "Oh." So, now that I finished writing out the story, I have realized it might not sound too funny, and I just sound like a fool, but it's partly an inside joke with my best friend, since her biology teacher looks exactly like Ben as well and we both love sweater vests.

So, since we are in this sweater vest-y mood, I say we should study the evolution of sweater vests... It's the best way to cope if you don't have one. I am one who does not have a sweater vest, but for those who do, gather around the fire and sing a campfire song! Wearing your sweater vests would be preferred.

for the tribal trend.

if you want to do a preppy look!

This one speaks fall.

this is possibly the exact sweater vest my teacher was wearing!

So, there you have it! I hope you love sweater vests as much as I do. Now, I shall add that to the list of things I need to search for. I need a sweater vest, the closest thing I have to one is a plain lavender sweater vest. But, I need an argyle one as well. Because solid color sweater vests are just copy cats of the real argyle sweater vests. : )

xoxo Chandler

P.S. Try and count how many times I used the words 'sweater vest' in this post!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Funky Chunky.

Chunky heels are back in again. And as much as I dislike the word 'chunky,' it describes how big the heels are. Literally.

And because I am so tired,  this is a picture post. please feel free to scroll.  : )

Oh, and lets not even talk about Jeffery Campbell. It's just to much for this post. : )

Now, go make the world a better place an get some chunky heels!

xoxo Chandler