Monday, November 14, 2011

Weekly Wanderings: Two.

Weekly Wanderings Week Number Two! ( I skipped last week...because my memory faded for this past week...whoops.)

Fun time: I went to my best friend's house.
School: It's Monday. Do you wanna guess?
Fashion: Tights that make your legs look long are a mind blower.
Surprises?: 15-week progress reports got handed out today. Yay!.......
What's left of me: Read Great Expectations. Oh, I can't wait!......:/ Oh, I almost forgot, I am 10 chapters behind where I am supposed to be in that damn book.)

Fun time: Sleep.
School: Lunch was fun, but school is so boring! At least we had an early day today...
Fashion: Velvet shirt and high waisted jeans! Oh, and orange and pink socks which cuddled my feet up to my ankle bones!)
Surprises?: Math essay. Whoops!...I didn't forget about that until today...It's due tomorrow.
What's left of me: Ten chapters to read in Great Expectations and tiredness.

Fun time: Talking to my best friend on the phone.
Fashion: velvet purple shirts rock.
Suprises?: Hanging out with family I haven't seen in forever. <3
What's left of me: homework, laziness.

Fun time: Going to see a high school version of the play, The Laramie Project, with one of my best friends as one of the stars of it. It was an amazing play.
School: Boredom progresses throughout every week.
Fashion: I think gray tights and a denim skirt is cool. (:
What's left of me: procrastination, tiredness.

Fun time: Sleepover with some friends.
School: Boredom.
Fashion: polka dot skirt.
What's left of me: girl talk, pink nails, excited-ness for tomorrow.

Fun time: Spending time with my best friend and watching her band play. They were amazing!
Fashion: Realized that my best friend and I were going to wear the same pair of tights without planning it. haha(: (We always do this!)
What's left of me: tired, happy.

Fun time: Grandpa's house.
Fashion: vest from third grade(:
What's left of me: tiredness, laziness.

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