Wednesday, November 30, 2011

VS Fashion Show 2011

So, my fellow internet friends, I have been completely ignoring this blog. You know what? Actually that is not so true...I have been on my dashboard, but I haven't actually written anything on this blog. I have been brainstorming ideas as I walk from class to class at school, but I haven't been able to come up with one, until last night.

So, my best friend and I stayed up late last night to watch the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show!! And, let me just tell you now, It was one of the most amazing shows I have ever watched. We watched it for the fashion...okay now you are thinking, "What kind of fashion consists of a bra and underwear?" Your opinion will change after watching it. Trust me. They don't only walk around in bra's and underwear, they walk down that glittered runway in shells, beads, wings, glitter, lace...oh, i can go on forever! The themes this year were roman empire/goddess/old fashioned/medieval times, "Aquatic Angels,"----we screamed at this collection of the show. Probably one of the most amazing moments of my life...I mean THE FASHION.! And, then the girly/punk/teenage Pink collection. Oh, and one more thing, they made KARLIE KLOSS A VICTORIA'S SECRET ANGEL. She is literally one of my biggest idols in the world, I have always loved her and always will, and she is only seventeen and is a Victoria's Secret Angel. That is big!

The show also got emotional at some parts. My best friend and I almost felt like crying at some parts of the show. It is basically every girl's dream to be a VS Angel and as we watched the Angels walk down the runway knowing that they worked so hard for that moment of their own to come just makes me want to cry in tears of happiness. Each girl got their moment to show that they were a VS Angel or model. You may think it is weird that I think this way, but I don't think I am...haha.

All of the Angels are my idols and they will always be, because when they were younger, they just sat in front of the television watching the VS show, but now they are on the VS show, showing of they're wings!

Also, there are two ways to look at the show. The first way is to say, "Wow, this is amazing." and the second way to look at it is, "This is making people become anorexic." (<<I don't look at it this way, because  I see the show as a fashion show, and not a show where they walk around "showing off how skinny they are.") But, my opinion of the show may be different from yours, just don't be mad at me...haha. ( :

Okay, well go look up the show on youtube or something, because you are missing out if you don't.

xoxo Chandler

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Eyes and Smiles

Something about those eyes.
Those crisp yellow eyes.
Like a vampire,
Creeping for blood.
For the blood of my love.

Something about those eyes.
The inner core of those sweet yellow eyes.
Like the inner core of Earth.
Filled with fire and determination.

Something about those eyes.
The mixtures of colors.
Like a forest of autumn leaves,
Forming a tornado in your soul.

Something about those eyes.
The glare of excitement.
The depth of your love.
The rhythm of your mind.

Something about those eyes...

Something about that smile.
That sweet sculpted smile,
Like a drawing of happiness.

Something about that smile.
The creases and shape of that beautiful pink smile.
It penetrates my soul,
Trying to swallow my love.

Something about that smile.
The shape of your smile,
Seems sculpted to perfection.

Something about that smile.
The sensation of your voice.
That rolls off your lips and into my soul.

Something about that smile...

xoxo Chandler

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Bub face to the air.
Thousands of images run through my mind.
Rookie creates imagination.
Hide my voice from surroundings.
Dress up my closet.
Hold the future in my hands.
Watching the hours of time go by.
Write the wanderings of my imagination.
Dream about the deep blue sea.
Take a hold of the image of a flash.
Feel the keys underneath my fingers.
Count the how to get theres.
Dance around my bathroom.
Dream about my mind.
Research about what seems like light years away.
Skip around in faux snakeskin heels.
Flip through catalogues.
Fill my mind with happiness.
Dream about boys.
Touch velvet.
Watch moving images.
Paint on my lips.
Let mind wander.
Let the music flow through my room.
Develop film.
Take pictures of nothing meaningful.
Absorb milano cookies.
Pet the black fur of Ruby.
Drawing the images of my mind.

xoxo Chandler

Monday, November 14, 2011

Weekly Wanderings: Two.

Weekly Wanderings Week Number Two! ( I skipped last week...because my memory faded for this past week...whoops.)

Fun time: I went to my best friend's house.
School: It's Monday. Do you wanna guess?
Fashion: Tights that make your legs look long are a mind blower.
Surprises?: 15-week progress reports got handed out today. Yay!.......
What's left of me: Read Great Expectations. Oh, I can't wait!......:/ Oh, I almost forgot, I am 10 chapters behind where I am supposed to be in that damn book.)

Fun time: Sleep.
School: Lunch was fun, but school is so boring! At least we had an early day today...
Fashion: Velvet shirt and high waisted jeans! Oh, and orange and pink socks which cuddled my feet up to my ankle bones!)
Surprises?: Math essay. Whoops!...I didn't forget about that until today...It's due tomorrow.
What's left of me: Ten chapters to read in Great Expectations and tiredness.

Fun time: Talking to my best friend on the phone.
Fashion: velvet purple shirts rock.
Suprises?: Hanging out with family I haven't seen in forever. <3
What's left of me: homework, laziness.

Fun time: Going to see a high school version of the play, The Laramie Project, with one of my best friends as one of the stars of it. It was an amazing play.
School: Boredom progresses throughout every week.
Fashion: I think gray tights and a denim skirt is cool. (:
What's left of me: procrastination, tiredness.

Fun time: Sleepover with some friends.
School: Boredom.
Fashion: polka dot skirt.
What's left of me: girl talk, pink nails, excited-ness for tomorrow.

Fun time: Spending time with my best friend and watching her band play. They were amazing!
Fashion: Realized that my best friend and I were going to wear the same pair of tights without planning it. haha(: (We always do this!)
What's left of me: tired, happy.

Fun time: Grandpa's house.
Fashion: vest from third grade(:
What's left of me: tiredness, laziness.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

November Favorites: Part 1.

I decided on writing a post on my favorites in the month of November. I plan on doing a post each month, but we shall see what time brings. So, shall we start the list of lovely favorites of mine? I think we shall.

1. Velvet.
Velvet has always been my favorite fabric. But the velvet trend has really been seen around town lately! Every store I walk into has at least ten things with velvet on it. Here are some of my favorite things (a.k.a. going on my holiday wish list) that have velvet on it.

Velvet Skirt.

Top with velvet trim.
2. Helen Ficalora Jewelry.
I went to their store in Beverly Hills today with my mom and her best friend. It was amazing.! AMAZING. I fell in love with this ring there...time to save up! haha.(: And the ladies there were the sweetest people.

3. The Ardorous photography website.
This website made by the amazing photographer, Petra Collins, is such an amazing inspirational photography website where some magnificent photographers show their latest work.

4. Plum lipsticks.
I have really been into plum lipsticks lately. It is such an interesting color. The bright sides to it? It makes you teeth look whiter and depending on your eye color (my eyes are bluish gray), brings the color of your eyes out.

5. Blogspot.
I have been addicted to this website lately. It is so much fun to blog! Isn't it?

6. Sewing.
I could sew all day, any day. give me a sewing machine and some fabric and i will figure out something to make. It relaxes and calms me, i just love it so much!

7. American Apparel.
I love how everything is made in America, it shows America that great things can be made here, instead of consuming more, our country should make more!! And, the clothes are absolutely amazing. American Apparel is one of my favorite stores of all time.

8. Tic Tacs.
I am addicted to these babies! I love the orange flavor, its basically the only flavor I eat! Haha. And, I can literally eat a whole box in one day. Is that bad? (:

9. Rookie Mag.
This online magazine is what gets me through my days at school. Looking forward to reading the posts on this website when I get home from school, makes me unbelievably happy.

10. Knee High Socks.
I love socks in general, so when it comes to knee high socks, I almost faint. (: If you don't have a pair, go buy them or something, because every girl needs a pair of knee high socks!

11. Fall/Winter.
I am so happy that it is Fall and almost Winter. These two seasons are my favorite seasons of the year. Holidays, fireplaces....I would say hot coco, or tea...but, unfortunately, I dislike hot coco, tea, and coffee. Why am I such a party pooper when it comes to warm drinks? Damn taste buds! Anyway, I love these these two seasons so much. And in the Fall, around this time, when the trees change color.! Trees are just so pretty, especially at this time of year!

12. Sequins.
I love the sequin trend so much. Sequins go with everything. They make everything better. Sequins are just that amazing.
So, this completes Part One of my November Favorites. I know it's a lot, but I love all of these things so much!

xoxo Chandler

Friday, November 11, 2011

Colors all around

Instead of going to my school's Homecoming Dance, I stayed home, cuddled up inside, listening to the rain which is thundering around my house. I am having my own party sitting on the couch... Anway, I feel like writing poetry. But instead, I will write a blog post, because I have to admit...I am now addicted to Blogspot.

I have been spending my relaxation time on this lovely three day weekend on Photoshop. Playing around with it is just so much fun! I was trying to achieve this kind of picture, by the amazing photographer with the name of Petra Collins.

My inspiration:

My pictures:
remember that this was my first time actually Photoshopping a picture AND I am not the amazing Petra Collins who can take/edit pictures like no other!

Yeah, they're not that good. But, I still love them!

xoxo Chandler

Eleven, Eleven, Eleven

This is probably one blog post out of many writing about today, otherwise know as Veteran's day, or 11-11-11. This encounter will only happen once in eternity. ETERNITY. And we get to live through it. Isn't that just amazing? I honestly think it is. And, on top of that, it's Veteran's day, which means we celebrate the ones that have fought for our country and....well, all kids are happy today, as well. Because, it means no school. But besides no school on this very special day, it is also a day to cherish those who chose to stand up for our county. And I thank them all individually and in a whole. They left their families and everyday lives to stand up for America, and hopefully will be home soon. Thank you again!!


And, what makes this day even better? Spending it with your family that you haven't seen in forever. I spent it with my two little cousins and their dad. Their mom (also my cousin) could not make it, but I hope to spend Christmas Day with them all. I can not explain to you how much I love them. My little cousins are like my little brothers that I never had. But, I do have an older brother. Anyway, I love them more than anything in the entire world. I will always be there for them. <3


I am probably going to be writing another blog post before the end of today. But, for now I shall say goodbye.

But, before I go, I want to share a picture of one of my little cousins, Logan, and I.

Logan and me.!

xoxo Chandler

Thursday, November 10, 2011


Hats! Hats! Hats! Hats have been around for ages. A hat is just the most perfect accessory to wear around town. You place it on your head, (fix your hair a tad bit) and then, your outfit looks even more perfect than it already was!

Some hats that I am super excited to throw on to my holiday wish list (haha) are the new line of hats at Target. Or, the collaboration between Target and Albertus Swanepoel. His collection of hats are unbelievably beautiful and well thought out but at the same time, they are simple. These are some of my favorites:

Don't these hats speak just Fall and Winter? I think they do. My number one absolute favorite is the last hat I posted a picture of (the faux fur hat) and my second favorite is the first hat I posted a picture of. next favorite...oh my god, all of them are my favorites! Which one is your favorite? There are some more on Target's website as well.

I went to Target today, and I saw this collection of hats. I didn't end up buying it today but I would love too eventually, before they run out.!

Well, go buy yourself one of these lovely hats, throw on some gloves, add a scarf and, you will be ready for the snow. If you live in a place that actually has real snow. I will admit this, but I am embarrassed of it...I have never seen real snow in person. There, I said it! Now, let me go hide in one of these hats in shame! haa..

xoxo Chandler

knee high socks are my drugs.

I would really like to hem my flared jeans. Hemming is the ideal rule for short people, like me. I still need to get my flared jeans hemmed. If they were hemmed, it would make my life more complete.


I have really been into knee high socks, lately. I was last Fall as well. I just love them so much. As a matter of fact, I wore them today and another pair earlier this week.

I am a big believer in the idea of NOT, and i repeat, not wearing knee high socks pulled over your jeans. This is my opinion, do whatever your free, willing mind wants to do, but I am just throwing my opinion into my blog post. And I don't mean putting jeans on and then high socks tucked down (where the socks are only showing a little) outside of your shoes, I mean wearing boots, jeans, and socks over your jeans pulled up to your knees. Just to make it clear.

If you would like to achieve the look of an 'old time school girl'......
Then wear your knee socks with skirts and dresses, like most girls do. I am guessing. (or high waisted shorts!) But, honestly feel free to do whatever you would like with your knee socks. Even make sock puppets with them...

If you are confident enough to wear thigh-high socks (*gasp!*) then please do so. Beware, they might be to high to handle.

Shall we look at some pics of knee high socks? I think we shall.

these aren't knee high, but i love all socks, and these were just too amazing to pass up.


I didn't find many pictures of "school girl" outfits with knee high socks...but that's okay!

Now go buy some knee high socks, please.

xoxo Chandler

P.S. I think it would be much more appropriate to do a school girl post during September, so I will try to wait that long, but watch me...I will probably not be able to wait any longer, and make one in the Summer.

P.S.S. <<<because I am such a rebel. haaa. Anyway, is anyone as excited for 11-11-11 11:11:11? Because I sure am!

Girly music is cool.

I literally have been listening to this playlist nonstop this whole week. I just love it so much.

I need to do a post on fashion soon. This blog is getting boring.

xoxo Chandler

Procrastination time!

I have been thinking, and I want to start taking pictures of my life. Just random pictures in the day of where I was and what things look like from my point of view. I would just love looking back on these pictures when I am eighty years old and I will think of this moment as well. : )

And, I am procrastinating on my homework. I have three quizzes to study for, and an essay due tomorrow (which thankfully I have completed.) But, I still need to study.

My essay is on a futuristic society which uses genetic engineering to make every human "perfect." I think that using genetic engineering instead of how you are supposed to be born in horrible. The essay (in biology) was based on the 1997 movie Gattaca. It is actually a very interesting movie, which I enjoyed. But, it also frightened me to see what the future could possibly be like. And how the society could change from genetic engineering. Genetic engineering is basically borrowing DNA ladders from other peoples' DNA to "create" a "masterpiece of perfection." For example, if you want your child to look a certain way, have amazing eyesight, etc. I think that this should be illegal, since every human is supposed to look and become a different individual. I will post some of what I wrote on my essay in a later post to show you what I am talking about. I find it pretty interesting.

Well I am off to study for my French quiz!

xoxo Chandler

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Music of the Week: Number Three.

I missed a week...but lets call it week three...

I decided to choose the song, Hang Up Baby by Plum Tree . I really love this song. I found it on (Tavi's online magazine) I love her!

This song is really good. It helps me procrastinate on my homework. But, that's okay. This song kind of explains itself, so I don't have to say much other than I love this song.

Okay, goodbye. Off to listen to some more music, I don't want to keep know, hanging on.
Oh, and don't listen to it on repeat, it can get annoying...haha.

xoxo Chandler

Weekly Wanderings: One.

Out of many. (continuation of the title.)

This is a new...what do you want to call it...? 'Version', 'section', 'topic' of my blog that you probably don't want to read. Or, maybe you do...depends on what is going on in your life. (Yeah, that sounded a bit wasn't supposed to.)

This is basically a bunch of posts morphed together to be called "Weekly Wanderings." The wanderings of my life.

Fun time: HALLOWEEN! Other than being sick, some friends and I went trick-or-treating.
School: Procrastination on bringing an "outside reading book" to read. And you guessed it...! Annotate....errr.
Fashion: I was a mermaid. And for school...a McDonald's manager.
Surprises?: My friend attempted at a spit take.
What's left of me: Happiness, candy, and tiredness.

Fun time: I honestly don't remember.
School: Boredom progressed and made me angry.
What's left of me: Sick.

Wednesday & Thursday-

Fun time: Hanging with my best friend, talking and scrolling through Style Rookie's internet magazine.!
School: Boring.
Fashion: Jeans all the way.
What's left of me: Feeling better, excitement.

Fun time: Hanging with my mom and her friend at IKEA.
Fashion: 4 inch faux snakeskin wedges. HELL YES.
What's left of me: Excitement, tiredness.

Fun time: Planning new room, listening to some music, scrolling through rookiemag.!
School: Procrastinating on make-up work for the days I was absent at school.
Suprises?: Rain!
What's left of me: Still hope in completing make-up work.!

And there you have it! Somewhat of a paragraph in the life of a girl named Chandler! Haha...this was probably pretty boring for you (sorry.) but I had fun writing it. It makes me more observant of my life. And the days that go by. It helps me remember what I did in the week. Literally. Anyway, now I am off to write my music post.

xoxo Chandler