Saturday, December 31, 2011

Pajama Photoshoot

I put together a photo shoot with my friends Maxine and Yvonna. The photo shoot was inspired by old-fashioned slumber parties.

Styled by me.
Photographed by all of us.
Edited by Maxine.
Clothes-All of ours' combined.

Happy New Year's :)
xoxo Chandler

Friday, December 23, 2011

Last Night

Last night was one of the best nights of my life. My best friends and I walked up to this mountain cliff and laid down blankets on the ground. We all laid down on each others' laps and looked up at the big black sky and at the twinkling stars that watched over us. We talked and talked and laughed and smiled and sat there, thinking for an hour and a half or so. We also listened to music like Breathe by Pink Floyd which inspired me to listen through the whole album, which I am listening to right now. And, we all made it our new spot to runaway too every now and then. I love it up there. It looks over the whole valley. And it also looks over all of the nature that laid beneath us. It really is something and it's my new place to go with my friends when we want to be alone and just think. It was very windy and cold up there, so we brought blankets and tons of jackets. It was just something else. (: It was a great thing to end the year of 2011 will all of my friends. I loved it. <3

xoxo Chandler

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Fashion Inspiration: Skeletons.

My best friend did this last week, and I thought I would do it as well. (:

Amazing inspiration of what to wear my docs with:) AND sunglasses amuse me.

This reminds me of the Christmas sweater my best friend go me last year for Christmas. <3 And the braid is amazing.

I am literally making my mom take me to the dollar store to get butterfly tattoos to  put on my legs. I am not kidding.

Cheetah print jackets are my loves this season.

Look at the shoes behind her:) And, who doesn't love this picture?


Lavender docs(:



This picture speaks beauty. She is seriously one of my favorite models. She is so beautiful.

Reminds me of something my grandma would wear.(:

her hair<3

I am going to be a skeleton for halloween next year(:

From Rookie.

Why am I so obsessed with skeleton things right now?

This sweater<3

I love this. so so much. 

She is so pretty. Her hairrrrr. and outfit.

And, there you have it. (: All pictures from Tumblr except for one.

Today was a fun day. And weekend, so far. On Friday, my best friend and I went thrift shopping and then went to a holiday party, but, since her house was next door to the party, we ended up leaving early and going back to her house. And played Chutes and Ladders and Twister with another friend. And it was fun. (:
Today, I went to a school club 'meeting/hangout' and made pajamas (I will explain the pajama thing later) and then my mom, her friend, and I went to Target at 10 at night just for the fun of it. I got a black scarf and reindeer slipper socks which I am not getting until Christmas....I am so excited for the holidays!! : )

xoxo Chandler

P.S. Now go and listen to the She & Him Christmas album. Please. go. Because it is amazing. <3

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Is this it?

The first paragraphs of the book I am writing...

Heaven has always been in my religion. But, really, what is religion? Is it believing in something you will never know, or is it a segregation that has boundaries where they should not be. Religion is something very important to me. But, then again, if you think about it, religion is just something humans want to grasp on to, to keep themselves from getting scared of what happens after your heart starts beating. But, maybe it’s the other way around. Maybe when your heart stops beating, your heart starts to beat. Maybe,  there is no such thing as religion, or life at all.
In the act of living, humans think of the afterlife as either nothing, good things, or bad things.  This is all based on the religion in which that person believes in. Every human believes in some type of religion, whether its not believing in God, or it is believing in God, or it is believing in your mind or philosophy. Philosophy is a religion, since you are believing in something that you don’t know is there or not there. But where is this so called ‘there?’ Is ‘there’ just a place that is made up in the mind, not brain, of a person’s thinking. Maybe we are all just crazy. Maybe nothing happens after living or maybe something does. Not knowing is just an excuse for not having the religion of philosophy. Philosophy is the religion of life and death, it is why we are on this planet called Earth, it is why we may not be on this planet called Earth. We could be on a planet or not any planet at all. We can be on a grain of sand or a star or Mars. We can all just be in one’s mind. Not the mind of ‘God‘, but the mind of one’s own. And know one ever knows until the ‘after-life’ or maybe we know now, but we just can’t wrap our minds around it.

Wants in life

I want to be a good writer.

            Therefore, I have to build up my vocabulary

Goal? Read The Book Thief and Breaking Dawn over winter break.

And, that's just the start of it. I want to read as much as I can

and become the fast reader I used to be.

I also want to make all the clothes I have ever dreamed of making.
This starts with my final in Beginners Clothing.

I will also make something out of satin fabric. To show the people who say "beginners in sewing can't sew satin."
And what I have to say to that is...
F*** you.

Another thing? I need to post as much as possible on tumblr.
because tumblr is in my blood

With all these wants in life, I sound stubborn with all these 'wants' in life
But without wanting something you can't achieve something.

I will make second semester of high school better than the first and try to not get as stressed as I am now.
^^^That is one of my New Year's resolutions.

Okay, I should go.

I also want to paint my nails nude. No time for that, I have to do so much homework and studying and annotating this weekend.

Okay. Bye.


I shall go write the first paragrah of my new book now. Or at least attempt at it. Then I have to go get ready to buy a book in which I have to deface thanks to Honors English classes in high school.
Who wants to annotate/deface a Nicholas Sparks book? Ugh.

Monday, December 5, 2011

What the Hell?

Music of the Week 5! (I think?)

Okay, so this is a teenage song. I am pretty sure every teenager can relate to this song. And, who doesn't love Avril Lavigne?

You know when you get asked the question "What is a song you dance around to in your room when no one is looking?" on surveys or something? This is my answer to that question. What the Hell by Avril Lavigne. I will jump around my room while listening to this song anytime. And you should too. See how much fun it is. You will be amazed by it. : )

Okay, I am writing horribly write now so I better go.

xoxo Chandler

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Flower Power.

Lately, I have been crazing over boarding doodles of flowers on every paper that is placed into my hands. The reason for this? Drawing flowers make me happy. Flowers have to do with sun and the outdoors, and sunny days make me happy. If I could border my blog with flowers, then I would do it, unfortunately, I don't know how to...

I even wore a shirt covered in cartoon daises yesterday because it made me happy. And, everyone knows that floral patterns never go out of style. They never have and they never will. Whoever thought of putting the pattern of flowers on apparel was a genius. Wow, I should really take a textiles class. Unfortunately, they don't have the textiles class in my period of the design program, which makes me extremely sad.

I remember the days in elementary school when every girl made flower necklaces out of the little white flowers that grew within the grass. I thought it was weird, but now I want to make 1000000 of them. And wear them as crowns, stick them in my hair, and wear them as necklaces. Not all at once though...that may be a little over done. But isn't society over done anyway?

These pictures give me inspiration while I go through my 'Flower Power' stage as a teenager. I wonder what the next stage will be...

pics all from tumblr.

Oh, and I want a backpack like this for school next year.

But one that will hold my books and not rip.

For my Beginners Clothing class in school, the final is finding something in your closet and decorating it or making it into something else. I think I will take my mom's old vintage denim vest which she gave me, and paint a green stripe running vertically on the back and paint it. My mom used to do this to her clothes and it looked so cool. I might also add pictures of cats to the vest, from my fabric which I used for pajamas in the sewing club I am in. 

It seems like a lot of work, but I hope it will be fun.

Besides, I am getting more and more stressed from school. Finals are coming up, and I am buried in homework every night. I hope this will end during winter break. I need a break where I can just sit back, relax, and not worry about a thing. I want to sit by the fire place over winter break and put fuzzy socks on, and read The Book Thief and Breaking Dawn. I have been wanting to read those so bad. In fact, I want to read any book that I don't have to f***ing annotate.

Sorry, I had to rant about something, or else I would have exploded. Okay, I better go do some homework and draw flowers on my papers.

xoxo Chandler

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

VS Fashion Show 2011

So, my fellow internet friends, I have been completely ignoring this blog. You know what? Actually that is not so true...I have been on my dashboard, but I haven't actually written anything on this blog. I have been brainstorming ideas as I walk from class to class at school, but I haven't been able to come up with one, until last night.

So, my best friend and I stayed up late last night to watch the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show!! And, let me just tell you now, It was one of the most amazing shows I have ever watched. We watched it for the fashion...okay now you are thinking, "What kind of fashion consists of a bra and underwear?" Your opinion will change after watching it. Trust me. They don't only walk around in bra's and underwear, they walk down that glittered runway in shells, beads, wings, glitter, lace...oh, i can go on forever! The themes this year were roman empire/goddess/old fashioned/medieval times, "Aquatic Angels,"----we screamed at this collection of the show. Probably one of the most amazing moments of my life...I mean THE FASHION.! And, then the girly/punk/teenage Pink collection. Oh, and one more thing, they made KARLIE KLOSS A VICTORIA'S SECRET ANGEL. She is literally one of my biggest idols in the world, I have always loved her and always will, and she is only seventeen and is a Victoria's Secret Angel. That is big!

The show also got emotional at some parts. My best friend and I almost felt like crying at some parts of the show. It is basically every girl's dream to be a VS Angel and as we watched the Angels walk down the runway knowing that they worked so hard for that moment of their own to come just makes me want to cry in tears of happiness. Each girl got their moment to show that they were a VS Angel or model. You may think it is weird that I think this way, but I don't think I am...haha.

All of the Angels are my idols and they will always be, because when they were younger, they just sat in front of the television watching the VS show, but now they are on the VS show, showing of they're wings!

Also, there are two ways to look at the show. The first way is to say, "Wow, this is amazing." and the second way to look at it is, "This is making people become anorexic." (<<I don't look at it this way, because  I see the show as a fashion show, and not a show where they walk around "showing off how skinny they are.") But, my opinion of the show may be different from yours, just don't be mad at me...haha. ( :

Okay, well go look up the show on youtube or something, because you are missing out if you don't.

xoxo Chandler

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Eyes and Smiles

Something about those eyes.
Those crisp yellow eyes.
Like a vampire,
Creeping for blood.
For the blood of my love.

Something about those eyes.
The inner core of those sweet yellow eyes.
Like the inner core of Earth.
Filled with fire and determination.

Something about those eyes.
The mixtures of colors.
Like a forest of autumn leaves,
Forming a tornado in your soul.

Something about those eyes.
The glare of excitement.
The depth of your love.
The rhythm of your mind.

Something about those eyes...

Something about that smile.
That sweet sculpted smile,
Like a drawing of happiness.

Something about that smile.
The creases and shape of that beautiful pink smile.
It penetrates my soul,
Trying to swallow my love.

Something about that smile.
The shape of your smile,
Seems sculpted to perfection.

Something about that smile.
The sensation of your voice.
That rolls off your lips and into my soul.

Something about that smile...

xoxo Chandler

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Bub face to the air.
Thousands of images run through my mind.
Rookie creates imagination.
Hide my voice from surroundings.
Dress up my closet.
Hold the future in my hands.
Watching the hours of time go by.
Write the wanderings of my imagination.
Dream about the deep blue sea.
Take a hold of the image of a flash.
Feel the keys underneath my fingers.
Count the how to get theres.
Dance around my bathroom.
Dream about my mind.
Research about what seems like light years away.
Skip around in faux snakeskin heels.
Flip through catalogues.
Fill my mind with happiness.
Dream about boys.
Touch velvet.
Watch moving images.
Paint on my lips.
Let mind wander.
Let the music flow through my room.
Develop film.
Take pictures of nothing meaningful.
Absorb milano cookies.
Pet the black fur of Ruby.
Drawing the images of my mind.

xoxo Chandler

Monday, November 14, 2011

Weekly Wanderings: Two.

Weekly Wanderings Week Number Two! ( I skipped last week...because my memory faded for this past week...whoops.)

Fun time: I went to my best friend's house.
School: It's Monday. Do you wanna guess?
Fashion: Tights that make your legs look long are a mind blower.
Surprises?: 15-week progress reports got handed out today. Yay!.......
What's left of me: Read Great Expectations. Oh, I can't wait!......:/ Oh, I almost forgot, I am 10 chapters behind where I am supposed to be in that damn book.)

Fun time: Sleep.
School: Lunch was fun, but school is so boring! At least we had an early day today...
Fashion: Velvet shirt and high waisted jeans! Oh, and orange and pink socks which cuddled my feet up to my ankle bones!)
Surprises?: Math essay. Whoops!...I didn't forget about that until today...It's due tomorrow.
What's left of me: Ten chapters to read in Great Expectations and tiredness.

Fun time: Talking to my best friend on the phone.
Fashion: velvet purple shirts rock.
Suprises?: Hanging out with family I haven't seen in forever. <3
What's left of me: homework, laziness.

Fun time: Going to see a high school version of the play, The Laramie Project, with one of my best friends as one of the stars of it. It was an amazing play.
School: Boredom progresses throughout every week.
Fashion: I think gray tights and a denim skirt is cool. (:
What's left of me: procrastination, tiredness.

Fun time: Sleepover with some friends.
School: Boredom.
Fashion: polka dot skirt.
What's left of me: girl talk, pink nails, excited-ness for tomorrow.

Fun time: Spending time with my best friend and watching her band play. They were amazing!
Fashion: Realized that my best friend and I were going to wear the same pair of tights without planning it. haha(: (We always do this!)
What's left of me: tired, happy.

Fun time: Grandpa's house.
Fashion: vest from third grade(:
What's left of me: tiredness, laziness.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

November Favorites: Part 1.

I decided on writing a post on my favorites in the month of November. I plan on doing a post each month, but we shall see what time brings. So, shall we start the list of lovely favorites of mine? I think we shall.

1. Velvet.
Velvet has always been my favorite fabric. But the velvet trend has really been seen around town lately! Every store I walk into has at least ten things with velvet on it. Here are some of my favorite things (a.k.a. going on my holiday wish list) that have velvet on it.

Velvet Skirt.

Top with velvet trim.
2. Helen Ficalora Jewelry.
I went to their store in Beverly Hills today with my mom and her best friend. It was amazing.! AMAZING. I fell in love with this ring there...time to save up! haha.(: And the ladies there were the sweetest people.

3. The Ardorous photography website.
This website made by the amazing photographer, Petra Collins, is such an amazing inspirational photography website where some magnificent photographers show their latest work.

4. Plum lipsticks.
I have really been into plum lipsticks lately. It is such an interesting color. The bright sides to it? It makes you teeth look whiter and depending on your eye color (my eyes are bluish gray), brings the color of your eyes out.

5. Blogspot.
I have been addicted to this website lately. It is so much fun to blog! Isn't it?

6. Sewing.
I could sew all day, any day. give me a sewing machine and some fabric and i will figure out something to make. It relaxes and calms me, i just love it so much!

7. American Apparel.
I love how everything is made in America, it shows America that great things can be made here, instead of consuming more, our country should make more!! And, the clothes are absolutely amazing. American Apparel is one of my favorite stores of all time.

8. Tic Tacs.
I am addicted to these babies! I love the orange flavor, its basically the only flavor I eat! Haha. And, I can literally eat a whole box in one day. Is that bad? (:

9. Rookie Mag.
This online magazine is what gets me through my days at school. Looking forward to reading the posts on this website when I get home from school, makes me unbelievably happy.

10. Knee High Socks.
I love socks in general, so when it comes to knee high socks, I almost faint. (: If you don't have a pair, go buy them or something, because every girl needs a pair of knee high socks!

11. Fall/Winter.
I am so happy that it is Fall and almost Winter. These two seasons are my favorite seasons of the year. Holidays, fireplaces....I would say hot coco, or tea...but, unfortunately, I dislike hot coco, tea, and coffee. Why am I such a party pooper when it comes to warm drinks? Damn taste buds! Anyway, I love these these two seasons so much. And in the Fall, around this time, when the trees change color.! Trees are just so pretty, especially at this time of year!

12. Sequins.
I love the sequin trend so much. Sequins go with everything. They make everything better. Sequins are just that amazing.
So, this completes Part One of my November Favorites. I know it's a lot, but I love all of these things so much!

xoxo Chandler

Friday, November 11, 2011

Colors all around

Instead of going to my school's Homecoming Dance, I stayed home, cuddled up inside, listening to the rain which is thundering around my house. I am having my own party sitting on the couch... Anway, I feel like writing poetry. But instead, I will write a blog post, because I have to admit...I am now addicted to Blogspot.

I have been spending my relaxation time on this lovely three day weekend on Photoshop. Playing around with it is just so much fun! I was trying to achieve this kind of picture, by the amazing photographer with the name of Petra Collins.

My inspiration:

My pictures:
remember that this was my first time actually Photoshopping a picture AND I am not the amazing Petra Collins who can take/edit pictures like no other!

Yeah, they're not that good. But, I still love them!

xoxo Chandler