Friday, December 23, 2011

Last Night

Last night was one of the best nights of my life. My best friends and I walked up to this mountain cliff and laid down blankets on the ground. We all laid down on each others' laps and looked up at the big black sky and at the twinkling stars that watched over us. We talked and talked and laughed and smiled and sat there, thinking for an hour and a half or so. We also listened to music like Breathe by Pink Floyd which inspired me to listen through the whole album, which I am listening to right now. And, we all made it our new spot to runaway too every now and then. I love it up there. It looks over the whole valley. And it also looks over all of the nature that laid beneath us. It really is something and it's my new place to go with my friends when we want to be alone and just think. It was very windy and cold up there, so we brought blankets and tons of jackets. It was just something else. (: It was a great thing to end the year of 2011 will all of my friends. I loved it. <3

xoxo Chandler