Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Lisbon Sisters

This past weekend, I finally got to something that has been on my "to-do list" for awhile now. I watched The Virgin Suicides, and let me tell you, I want to watch it again and again and again. It is now one of my all time favorites for movies.

Before I watched it, I didn't know much about it. All I knew was that it was an older movie that had been loved by everyone I know who watched it. When I finally watched it, I realized that it had so much potential and meaning to it. (It was originally a book, but a movie was made from it.) It is basically based on five teenage sisters named Cecila, who was played by Hanna Hall; Lux, who was played by Kirsten Dunst; Bonnie, who was played by Chelsea Swain; Mary, who was played by A.J. Cook; and Therese, played by Leslie Hayman, who commit suicide. This sparks curiosity throughout their community and a mystery of why they commited suicide. The story is narrated by some of the neighbors which happen to be teenage boys who become infatuated with the Lisbon sisters. They try and figure out why they would commit suicide by gathering all of their belongings, asking people who knew them, and discussing it altogether. Now that you know the story line, you should really watch it! That is if you haven't watched it already.

All photos found on Google.

Let's discuss this.

Why would you want to watch The Virgin Suicides?

  • First of all, it takes place in the 1970's. Who doesn't love the 70's?
  • THEIR ROOM. OH MY...THEIR ROOM! Along with Rookie Mag, it inspired me to redecorate my room which I am in the midst of as we speak. But, seriously guys, if you don't want to watch the movie, you have to watch the movie...at least for their  bedroom.
  • Uhm...the clothes? I don't even have to explain this one. But, 70's style clothes are heaven.
  • They are sisters. And best friends. That is just so perfect!
  • Hey, mom? Can my name be Lux? Honestly guys, I think that is one of the coolest names in the world.
  • And, even the story itself is just so interesting.
Well, go rent it on Netflix, or watch it on Youtube like I did (Shh... Haha SOPA take that.!)

xx Chandler

Monday, January 30, 2012

Boom, boom.

While procrastinating on the desperate need of reading a Nicholas Sparks book for a book I have to read in class, I would rather be writing a blog post. So, before the clock strikes 10:15, I want to be done with this post, since I have yet to annotate anything, and half of it is due tomorrow... Don't get me wrong, I love reading and Spark's writings, but when I have to annotate it, it just kills it. Boom, boom. The excitement of reading is killed.

As I sit here listening to Summer Teeth by Wilco, (Boy, do the bird noises overlapping the music makes me want to run in a meadow in slow motion with the song playing in the background) I keep on thinking about tomorrow. And about the crazy cat eyes I shall be wearing, and the "braided crown" I did to my hair tonight as a practice run for tomorrow morning. I am not really sure if the hairstyle is actually called a "braided crown," but that is my name for it---pictures to come soon.

And boy, do I want to visit France. This urge to travel there is killing me! There are reasons I want to go there as well, not only for the beauty of it, but I have to wait to save up enough money to get there...I am planning this for the Summer of 2013, or the Winter of 2012. I just have to start my Etsy buisness and stuff to get some extra money in my teenage-not-old-enough-to-have-a-job-budget, as I call it...

My mom also found this amazing light blue hello kitty back pack type thing in the back of her closet, and I am obsessed with it.

Oh, yes! I cannot forget that I am soon to be dying my hair purplish---well some strands at least. I am way too overly excited about this. And the fact that I have over 100 followers on tumblr.

I have really been into grunge style lately, and I am thinking of wearing something grunge-like or to that extent tomorrow. Either that, or the complete opposite---girly. Oh, and I am renovating my room, so I am going to get metallic silver paper stars and hang them from my ceiling. I have also been collecting pictures, song lyrics, and ideas to cover the walls and table spaces of my room. Thank you Rookie Mag for inspiring me to do so <3.

I better be going, and remember this:

xx Chandler

Friday, January 20, 2012

Each one is a setting sun

I used to be a daytime person. But, within these past couple of months, my thoughts and feelings have changed about hating the night time. Whenever the sun would go down, and the sunset landscape disappeared, I would change my attitude on everything, and I mean everything. Now, I should probably be writing about this in my journal, but I would rather be writing on my blog. Anyway, I would go mad at night, when it was about one or two in the morning, and I didn't want to go to sleep, I would somehow feel scared, like I was the only person left awake in the world. But, now I love the feeling.

Whenever the sun goes down, I get overwhelmed with a sensation of happiness. If I am home on my computer or out with friends, I just get happy. I can't really explain it, because I have always been a night owl, but never a  night person. I liked staying up late, but not being alone. Now, I love being alone, and don't get me wrong, I am not some socially deprived human being, I am a socially deprived cat. Just kidding. I also love to be around people, but sometimes, in the midst of night (Like my shakespearean talk?) I love to sit down and relax and dream while staying awake. Or, I sit in front of the television, and watch That 70's Show until four in the morning. Either way, I love to just sit and think, and do whatever I want. I love feeling like I am the only person still awake at three in the morning---even though I'm not, of course. Come on, have some common sense guys! It's daytime in France right now---on the other side of the world.

I started to love the night time, when I started to love the stars. If there is anything better in this world than stars, glitter, cats, night time, and Jeffery Campbell Litas, then please fill me in.. But, honestly, there is nothing better than looking up at the stars---where your mind can wander to places you never dreamed of. You could dream up a whole new world, one of your own or you could draw something and then not like it (you know the night time tiredness that turns into anger when you can't seem to get the drawing "just right") and then crumble up the drawing and throw it in your trash can, and then five minutes later decide you liked in, then you reach into the trash can, grab the piece of paper, wait for the unknown liquid-y substance to dry, then continue to draw the picture.  Or, you can lay in your bed and look up at the white ceiling which takes away all your problems, or take a bunch of pictures for Lookbook (haha) and try on a bunch of outfits and have your own little photo shoot. Oh the possibilities!

Or, another thing you could do is make a crazy music video of random objects, add music to it (of course), and upload it to your blog. For example, this crazy one my best friend Genessa and I made.

Or, you could stay up all night staring at your pet fish, observing how a fish lives its life. Whatever you want to do, make this night amazing. If your pulling an all nighter at your friends house, out partying, or home alone---like me. Yay, for socially deprived cats! (Yes, we are cats. Everyone is a cat.)  Hahaha...just imagine that, a world where everyone was a cat. Oh, how unbelievably crazy would that be?


Wednesday, January 18, 2012

the skills of life

Wooaaaahhhhh. long time no talk.! Well, this has to change. Finally, finally! I am back in my sanctuary, the place where I write about anything and everything. So, mermaids, daises, glitters, how are you this very day? My mood instantly changed when I started writing this blog post, and now I am extremely happy. I feel like jumping off the walls and strumming a guitar I don't know how to play and changing my name to Cat. Just kidding (at least the last part of my speech was) But, dude, seriously, I want my name to be Cat, with a captial "C," actually, no, a lowercase "c" because I am a REBELLE, (yes, that is how I spell rebel.) Anyway, I have the urge to paint my bedroom walls light blue which I have been planning desperately for a year. And buying hair dye and dying strands of my hair pink and purple, because, yes, I am obsessed with that color combo again, just as I was nine years ago, when I was a little tator tot. Wait, I still am, "why?" may you ask? Because, I am barely 5 feet. But, its okay, that's why there is such things called Doc Martens and Creepers.

In my Life Skills class today, (yes, I switched into Life Skills, why?, to give myself a break in first period, and there was nothing better to do.) Okay, back to the story, I was sitting in Life Skills, and we were handed a worksheet with regular Health/Life Skills questions like "What do your friends and family think of you?" or "Describe yourself." Now, usually I would roll my eyes at these questions along with my other fellow classmates, but, this time I actually thought about each question, and it made me think "I don't give a **** (Insert whatever word you would like into the stars--no I don't know what this is called *, I just blanked) now continuing--I thought, "I don't give a **** what people think of me." Yes, that's right, I don't care. I will wear whatever I want to wear and laugh at whatever I want to laugh at, and dance to whatever I want to dance to, because I am my own person. And, I know what your thinking, "OMG, LIFE SKILLS CLASS GOT TO THIS CHILD, SHE'S GOING CRAZY! THEY HAVE HYPNOTIZED HER." uhhh.....no. Sorry, but that is not what happened. What happened is that I boosted my confidence today. And Rookie Mag helped with that.  Now, that I am done with my "speech"...

Another story that has to do with Life Skills class is that on our Warm Up today, there was a chart that we had to copy down from the board. It said, "Expectations" --From your family, yourself, and expectations for college. Under the "Expectations For Yourself" box, I wrote "work at Rookie Mag." Yes, that is a goal and expectation that I would like to succeed in. That is my biggest goal or dream or whatever you want to call it. I mean, come on, Tavi is the one that inspired me to:
1. Make a blog.
2. Be myself.
3. Be confident.
4. Not care what others think about you.

And, as I said, Life Skills class, my mom, and other people helped me with those ^^^ but Tavi was definitely one of them.


Anyway, I would like to officially announce that I am getting Cheetah Creepers off of Amazon.com this Sunday. Oh, yes. And, that is all thanks to gift cards from Hanukkah. I also have a sudden urge to go thrift shopping, and get vintage dresses and sweaters. I will save up first though, haha. I am on a high school-teenager-not old enough to have a job-budget. :)

Well, have an amazing night. Honestly. And wear the craziest, coolest outfit you can think of to school, or wherever your going tomorrow or today (if you live on the other side of the world), because I sure am.


Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Frolicking in the Meadows

One of my New Year's resolutions was to take a bunch of pictures, everyday and all the time, and I made this resolution with my best friend. So, when we slept over at our friend's house the other day, and she fell asleep, my best friend and I talked until four in the morning about anything and everything. Is anything better than that? One of the things we talked about were exploring more and traveling more, so today, my best friend and I explored a little mountain side where there was a cute little meadow and little bench that overlooked the neighborhood park, city, and mountains. And, of course... we took pictures. :)

xoxo Chandler

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Things that make me happy

1. France
2. New York City.
3. My best friends.
4. Pen pals.
5. Tic Tacs.
6. The Strokes.
7. Clothes.
8. Stars.
9. Music.
10. 2012
11. The word "outgoing"
12. The word "untitled."
13. Pictures.
14. Photography.
15. Blogging.
16. The act of living.
17. Fashion.
18. Glitter.
That's all I can think of right now :)

Monday, January 2, 2012


Why do I feel this way?
I now understand the point of a distance.
I now understand the things that I have heard.
But I have to be fearless
I have to wait
But, why do I feel this way?

I love to close my eyes
And inhale the future
I like to imagine
What will come

And I know people say to not think about the future
But, when I try not to, I think of it more.
And then I feel impatient
And I start to cry

Why do I feel this way?
Why, why, why

I can imagine the future’s past
I can imagine the warm clear air
I can imagine the moment
The exhilarating moment
All it is, is one word
But that word can hold the future

But, when I open my eyes
It disappears
And time makes me wait again
But, until that moment comes
I will not stop closing my eyes
But, the question that I asked is still not answered

Why do I feel this way?

The act of living makes me happy:)