Saturday, July 28, 2012


I solemnly swear that the story you are about to here completely out of the ordinary.

My best friend, Genessa, and I decided to go to the Live Rookie Reading Event at Strange Magic. Normal. We decided, afterwards, that we would browse the Urban Outfitters next door to where the reading was being held. Still normal. We walked over to a rack of shirts in the corner of the store. Still normal, right? Because, right behind the rack of clothing were a bunch of abstract art cube things that Urban Outfitters has, but wait! There's more! * info-commercial voice*  ...Behind those abstract cubes was a black kitten. Wait...wut.? Yeah...well Genessa and I started saying very loudly that there was a cat in Urban's store, running from employee to employee trying to get someone to understand that 1. There was a cat in their store. 2. We were not high nor crazy. Finally, someone working there listened to us. And this is how the conversaton went...
Genessa and me: Ecxuse me, there is a cat in your store!
UO Employee: Oh, the cat's back?

What? You knew about this cat? Yeah I know, cray. And I thought his response was hilarious, but besides the point...there was still a cat in their store. And, you should know, that I am obsessed with black cats and I have recently been wanting one a black cat. Isn't this a sign? Well, anyway we walked back to the corner where the cat had been, but it had disappeared. After trying to persuade the Urban employees to turn the break dancing full blast music down (the persuasion didn't work fyi) and about fifteen to twenty minutes of trying to see where it had run too, we thought we should wait some more and leave it alone...maybe it would come out eventually.

We ran into a girl that had also been to Strange Magic and we started to talk for about fifteen minutes. We told her about the cat and how I wanted that cat. I turned around to see if the cat had come out again. It did. And it was staring right into my eyes. I swear I heard it say "take me home,!" but  couldn't hear much over the obnoxious break dancing music. Unfortunately, it got scared again and ran to hide again.

We found out that it had run under the dressing room, inside this wooden crate type thing, and the Urban employee gave us cat food to give to the cat. It was still hiding, but it eventually ate the food. We decided to leave it alone, I left Urban my number, so they could call me once they got the cat out. I am going there tomorrow, again. I decided that if I got this cat, I would name it Daisy, even if it was a boy. But, I might also name it Rookie. After Rookie Mag (you know, the website that Tavi created---which is why I was at the installation (Strange Magic) in the first place. :)

Anyway, I thought I should share my interesting, crazy, out of dis world story.

xoxo Chandler

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